Connect to the Demo Server (Used with FirstClass Demo Program only).
You have selected the Communication Toolbox. Please see the documentation that accompanies the Comm Toolbox for more details.
Note: We DO NOT recommend the Comm Toolbox for modem connections. Use for X.25, ISDN, etc.
Use the Macintosh Communication Toolbox to make the connection. See the Comm Toolbox documentation for more details.
Note: We DO NOT recommend the Comm Toolbox for modem connections
Direct serial connection from your Macintosh to the server.
Direct serial connection from your Macintosh to the server.
You must have a FirstClass server on your network to use this, and you must set the Server Name to the name of your server (use the Chooser to find out the name).
Connect to the FirstClass server using the AppleTalk Local Area Network. You must have a FirstClass server installed on the network to use this.
You must have a modem connected to use this option, and you must set the modem type in the Modem menu.
Connect to the FirstClass server using a modem and the telephone line. You must have a modem to use this option.
Use this menu to select the method that you wish to use to connect to the FirstClass server.
Toggle the approval of the selected item(s). Note that this will flip previously approved items to unapproved, as well as the reverse.
Display a list of users who are currently logged in to FirstClass.
You may engage in a real-time chat with any other users on the system. Just select this command and then use the Invite button in the Chat window to invite other users into your chat.
You must first select the conference whose permissions you are interested in.
Display the permissions associated with the selected conference(s).
You must select a conference that you want information about.
Display a brief description of the selected conference(s)..
Sorry, you do not have the access privileges to create a conference in this window.
Create a new conference in the current window. The conference will have the name “New Conference” and the standard icon; you may change these using the Get Info command in the File menu.
You must select one or more conferences before choosing Make Alias.
This is one of the most useful features in FirstClass: it will place an alias of the selected conference(s) on your FirstClass desktop. This will allow you to access frequently-read conferences very quickly.
Commands in this menu allow you to read and send messages to conferences, which are public mailboxes that many users may see. This menu also contains commands for chatting with other users and displaying system information.
Use this rate for ONLY for 14.4 K baud modems with any form of data compression. You MUST use a Hardware Handshaking cable for this speed!
Note: This will not work reliably on most Macintoshes when LocalTalk is in use.
NOTE: You MUST use a Hardware Handshaking cable for this speed!
Use this rate for 14,400 baud modems. You should also use this rate for 9600 baud modems with any form of data compression.
NOTE: You MUST use a Hardware Handshaking cable for this speed!
You have selected 9600 baud. You should use this with 9600 baud modems and for 2400 baud modems with data compression, but you MUST use a Hardware Handshaking cable with compressing modems!
Use this rate for 9600 baud modems.
You should also use this rate for 2400 baud modems with any form of data compression, but you MUST use a Hardware Handshaking cable!
In general, this rate is not used by many modems. Check your modem manual for details.
In general, this rate is not used by many modems. Check your modem manual for details.
You have selected 2400 baud. This speed will work with almost all modems.
Select this if you have a 2400 baud modem.
Note: This will work with almost all modems. Select this if you are having problems with your modem.
You have selected 1200 baud. Make sure that you ave a 1200 baud modem (for example a "Smartmodem 1200").
Select this if you have a 1200 baud modem.
This is too slow. You should ONLY use this if you have a 300 baud modem. We highly recommend that you upgrade to a 2400 baud modem.
This is too slow. You should ONLY use this if you have a 300 baud modem. We highly recommend that you upgrade to a 2400 baud modem.
Use this menu to select the speed that your Macintosh will use to communicate with your modem.
Warning: If you select a speed not supported by your modem, you will be unable to use the modem. See the modem manual for details or select 2400 baud.
Display a graphical monitor of system activity.
Create a new public chat in the current window. You may change the name and icon using Get Info.
For remote support purposes only. No user serviceable parts.
For remote support purposes only. No user serviceable parts.
This brings up a hierarchical menu that allows you to control the server remotely.
Broadcast a message to all logged-on users.
The system profile is where many of the operating parameters of the FirstClass system are stored. Choosing this menu item will open a dialog that allows you to change these parameters.
Open a user's desktop. You can either choose this and then type in a User ID, or you can select an entry in the List Users window and just choose this.
Note: Do not open the Mailbox or any conferences on the user's desktop.
When a conference is private and you want to give a user access to it, select the conference, choose this menu item, and then enter the User ID of the user who you want to receive access. An alias of the conference will appear on the user's desktop.
Change a user (name, password, etc.). You can either choose this and then type in a User ID, or you can select an entry in the List Users window and just choose this.
Delete a user. You can either choose this and then type in a User ID, or you can select an entry in the List Users window and just choose this.
Add a new user to your FirstClass system.
List all entries in the Address Directory. You may then delete and change users from this list.
This menu is used to perform all administration functions within FirstClass. Only the Administrator has access to this menu.